Can you be allergic to kratom? The human body is a complex thing — and every single one of them behaves just a little bit differently than the next one. And for some kratom allergy symptoms may be a very real thing.
After all, you could be allergic to virtually anything — even water can trigger allergic reactions in some people!
So, while allergic reactions to kratom are exceedingly rare, it’s still something to be aware of. If you’ve experienced negative reactions after kratom exposure, it’s possible that a kratom allergy may be the cause.
Here’s what to know about kratom allergy symptoms, warning signs, and what you can do about them.
What Exactly Are Allergies?
Although the phenomenon’s causes are poorly understood, allergic reactions result from your body’s natural defenses (antibodies) inappropriately try to fight-off a foreign substance.
Pollen, for instance, is an extraordinarily common allergen — and while it doesn’t inherently harm the human body, many people’s immune systems will react to pollen’s presence as if it were a threat.
When the body starts fighting off this perceived threat, your comfort — or even your health! — can pay the price. Your natural defenses go up, causing many symptoms that, if there were an actual threat, might help you. These can include inflammation, sneezing, runny nose, itchy eyes, and a whole slew of other symptoms.
But against non-threats, the body’s reaction, its attempt to help, is actually what causes issues — not the pollen, pet dander, or whatever other allergens the body is reacting against!
Can You Be Allergic To Kratom?
Yes, you can be allergic to kratom. While allergies to kratom are exceedingly rare, they are not unheard of.
As with allergies to certain housepets, many people with kratom allergies are able to overcome the kratom allergy symptoms through gradual exposure over time. Occasionally, however, some users are unable to develop a tolerance via kratom exposure and will have to simply avoid kratom long-term.
What Are Common Kratom Allergy Symptoms?
Among those who are allergic to kratom, several symptoms seem to frequently present. Here are the most common ones:
Flushed Discoloration of the Skin
As with many other allergies, allergic reactions to kratom can cause flushing, or sudden redness, of the skin.
Flushing may often occur on areas such as the face, neck, arms, or chest.
Notably, flushing of the cheeks may often come from overstimulation rather than allergic reactions. For users who are sensitive to other stimulants, such as caffeine, do not immediately assume that flushing of the face is necessarily a sign of an allergic reaction.
However, flushed discoloration of other areas is less likely to be a sign of over-stimulation. If you experience meaningful flushing of other areas, it is best to cease using kratom until you have spoken with a medical professional — especially if the flushing is accompanied by other signs of kratom allergies.
Rashy patches are an extraordinarily common symptom of allergies, and kratom allergies are no different.
If you experience the sudden appearance of rashy, patchy skin following kratom use, this is a likely sign of kratom allergy or intolerance.
Persistent rashes aren’t just unsightly; they can also be deeply uncomfortable and can lead to issues with sleep, social anxiety, and more. It’s important to get to the bottom of what’s causing your rash, so a medical professional should almost certainly be consulted.
Some kratom users report mild, temporary itchiness following use. For many such users, this phenomenon quickly subsides.
For others, however, it can be a lingering irritant that can persist for hours — and may eventually accompany a developing rash (see above).
If you experience mild, temporary itching following your kratom use, it’s likely nothing to worry about. But if it’s significant, persistent, or causes meaningful discomfort, this may be a kratom allergy symptom!
Difficulty Breathing
Difficulty breathing is one of the most frightening, severe, and even dangerous symptoms of an allergic reaction.
Kratom use absolutely should not cause difficulty breathing; if you experience this symptom following kratom use, it may be a symptom of a significant allergic reaction for which you should seek immediate medical attention.
This phenomenon, known as anaphylaxis, is a symptom of severe allergic reaction and can be life-threatening if left untreated. Individuals who are susceptible to anaphylactic reactions often carry epinephrine injections to combat unexpected attacks.
If you experience an anaphylactic reaction after taking kratom, absolutely do not take it again until you have spoken with a physician and ruled out the possibility that kratom was the cause.
What To Do About Kratom Allergy Symptoms
Not all allergies are serious, and some may very easily be dealt with.
- Some kratom “allergy” symptoms may actually be a sign of intolerance — that is, of the body getting used to a new substance. Minor itchiness or discoloration of the cheeks, for instance, are unlikely to be cause for concern, and your body will likely adjust to kratom before long.
- Mild allergies often subside with repeat exposure, which can build the body’s tolerance for the allergen in question. It’s much like exposure to pet dander: spending enough time around the animal, you’re allergic to will build your body’s tolerance for it and reduce future allergic reactions.
- For light itchiness, over-the-counter antihistamines can counteract the body’s itch response and may completely remove discomfort. Keeping a topical antihistamine in your home, office, or wherever you take kratom may be just the trick.
But for more significant and persistent symptoms, the unfortunate reality may be that kratom just isn’t right for you. Lasting rash, severe itchiness, and especially anaphylaxis should be taken seriously.
If you experience these significant symptoms of kratom allergies, immediately cease using kratom and seek medical attention appropriate to the severity of your symptoms.
Your health is far too important to take risks. If you believe you may have a kratom allergy, the absolute best thing to do is consult a doctor; with a bit of consultation or testing, you may be able to pin down the cause of your symptoms and avoid uncomfortable or even dangerous adverse effects.