It’s estimated that the average person spends two years of their life hungover. Even more time is spent uttering these words: “I’ll never drink again.” But what if the drinks we’re referring to have nothing to do with alcohol?
Mitragyna speciosa, better known as kratom, offers value as a therapeutic substance. According to a 2017 study by Emory and Columbia Universities, kratom can fight muscle ache and fatigue. Kratom powder, which derives directly from the Mitragyna speciosa tree, is also considered an:
- Analgesic
- Antihypertensive
- Antidiabetic
- Antidiarrheal
- Anorectic
- Immunostimulant
- Anti-Inflammatory
But despite the positive effects of kratom, some kratom users have reported kratom hangovers, similar in effect to alcohol hangovers. However, don’t jump (kratom) ship just yet! If you experience a kratom-induced hangover, it may depend on a wide variety of factors.
- How many doses of kratom do you take each day?
- Which Mitragyna speciosa products are you taking?
- Are you drinking a lot of water when taking kratom?
In this article, we’ll teach you about notable hangover symptoms and how to avoid a kratom hangover, to begin with. In addition, we’ll teach you how to differentiate between kratom-induced hangovers and kratom overdoses.
What Causes a Kratom Hangover?
There isn’t a lot of research into kratom-induced hangovers, specifically. But because this type of hangover is comparable to an alcohol hangover, we can find similarities between the two.
According to the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA), a hangover is defined as “a set of symptoms that occur as a consequence of drinking too much.” These symptoms are caused by a variety of factors:
- Dehydration (mild to severe)
- Problems with Sleep
- Irritation in the Gastrointestinal Tract
- Inflammation
- Micro-Withdrawal Symptoms
Some of the same factors potentially cause kratom hangover symptoms. If you’ve experienced a hangover before, you probably remember the searing headaches, the dry mouth, or the digestive issues. Even with a kratom-induced hangover, many of these hangover symptoms may come about because of the effects listed above.
Kratom vs. Alcohol Hangover Symptoms
While kratom hangovers are comparable to alcohol hangovers, the two offer some differing hangover symptoms. The most prominently reported side effects of kratom-induced hangovers include:
- Headaches
- Muscle Cramps
- Nausea & Vomiting
- Diarrhea
- Loss of Appetite
- Dry Mouth
- Lethargy
- Anxiety
When it comes to alcohol, hangover symptoms include:
- Headaches (caused by dilating blood vessels)
- Nausea & Vomiting
- Insomnia
- Lethargy
- Mood Swings
- Dry Mouth
- Trouble Focusing
- Dizziness
- Increased Heart Rate
- Decreased Cognitive Function
As you can see, the two do not offer identical symptoms. In addition, alcohol-related headaches are specifically caused by blood vessel dilation. On the other hand, as far as we know, kratom-induced headaches are not caused by blood vessel dilation.
Kratom-Induced Hangover: Is It Just the Side Effects of Kratom?
We know that alcohol hangovers are caused by the physiological side effects of alcohol. Can we say the same for kratom hangovers?
No, we cannot claim that kratom-induced hangovers are caused by kratom itself.
In fact, it’s entirely possible that kratom-induced hangovers are caused by other external factors. As we mentioned earlier, a wide variety of factors influence whether or not you’ll experience a kratom-induced hangover. For example, drinking a lot of water can directly affect whether or not you experience a hangover, according to anecdotal accounts.
Furthermore, many of the aforementioned kratom “hangover” symptoms are regular side effects of kratom products. For example, kratom has been known to cause gastrointestinal side effects like constipation. In addition, many kratom users report loss of appetite, dry mouth, and lethargy (depending on the strain used).
How to Avoid a Kratom Hangover
There are many ways to effectively avoid a kratom hangover. Remember: many of these hangover symptoms can be caused by external factors like dehydration and sleep problems. Here are some tips to effectively overcome these external factors, lessening your risk of experiencing a kratom-induced hangover.
Drinking a Lot of Water
Not to overstate the obvious, but water makes the world (and our bodies!) go round. Water can help us eliminate internal wastes, regulate body temperature, and more. How does drinking a lot of water help while you’re taking kratom?
- Reduces risk of headaches
- Helps eliminate muscle cramps
- Aids with nausea
- Lowers risk of diarrhea
- Helps with dry mouth
That’s five of the major kratom hangover symptoms, covered by one factor: drinking a lot of water. What should you do now that you know this information? You should drink a lot of water when taking kratom products!
Don’t Take Too Many Doses of Kratom
Numerous side effects of kratom are caused primarily by overindulgence. If you take one dose of kratom each day, don’t be surprised when you experience a “hangover” after taking two doses of kratom. Our bodies adapt to our routines. If you take too many doses of kratom at once, your body may respond with negative, hangover-like side effects.
Don’t Drink Alcohol with Kratom
If you’ve decided to enjoy a piping hot, delicious cup of kratom tea tonight, DO NOT DRINK ALCOHOL. This is one surefire way to induce a kratom hangover. Kratom products do NOT mix with intoxicating substances like alcohol. Side effects of this combo can include:
- Hallucinations
- Agitation
- Confusion
- High Blood Pressure
- Vomiting
- Central Nervous System Depression
- Seizures
- And More!
Kratom Hangovers vs. Kratom Overdoses
We’ve learned how to identify a kratom vs. alcohol hangover. We’ve also covered a variety of ways to avoid a kratom hangover in the first place. However, there is another important factor we must cover: kratom overdoses.
Sometimes, taking too many doses of kratom means something worse than a hangover. It’s important that you know how to identify the effects of kratom overdoses so that you can receive the proper medical attention. Symptoms of kratom overdoses include:
- Tachycardia (rapid heart rate)
- Hypertension
- Confusion
- Severe Nausea
- Agitation
- Irritability
- Drowsiness
- Seizures
- Coma
Kratom is incredibly safe at appropriate doses. However, you should never take more kratom than you can handle. Everyone is different. As such, everyone has a different ideal kratom dose. Always take the time to figure out the right dose for you, and never take too many doses of kratom in the same day!
Kratom Hangovers: Fact or Fiction?
There is not enough research to support the existence of kratom-induced hangovers. However, user reports do validate that some kratom users do experience hangovers. Whether these hangovers are caused by kratom itself or external factors is still up for debate.
Regardless of where your hangover comes from, you should always take the appropriate steps to practice safe kratom regimens. Mitragyna speciosa-derived products can offer a variety of amazing benefits. For more information on practicing safe kratom use, follow our blog! You’ll learn all the tips and tricks for an improved kratom regimen.