kratom leaves

‘Elephant’ Kratom Strains — More Than Hype?

With all of the various terms buzzing about the internet, it’s easy to lose track of the various kratom strains that are the current talk of the town. Trendy new buzz terms emerge and fade, and only a handful stick around. One such kratom term that’s been getting serious hype recently? Elephant kratom. Elephant kratom […]

Keeping Your Kratom Fresh (And Why it Matters)

Compared to many botanicals, kratom powder stores reasonably well. And that’s good news. Fresh kratom is more aromatic, tasty, and (most importantly) potent. But even though kratom powder keeps its potency better than many botanicals, there are a few easy things you can do to enhance the shelf life of your kratom powder. This article […]

Harvesting Kratom: The Ins-and-Outs of the World’s Best Kratom Leaf

Kratom is harvested from mitragyna speciosa, a tree native to Southeast Asia. But turning raw kratom leaf into quality kratom powder is far from a simple process! It requires careful farming practices, a well-timed harvest, and exacting post-harvest processing. In this article, we’ll be going over the ins-and-outs of harvesting kratom. Whether you’re interested in […]

Kratom Alkaloids – What You Need to Know

Even long-time kratom users may be a little hazy on how exactly kratom works in the body. It’s a bit like a car engine for most users: they don’t need to know how it works, just that it works. But when it comes to your health and wellness, it pays to be informed. So today […]