Kratom News

Kratom & Weight Loss
February 5, 2021

Kratom & Weight Loss

Is there a connection between kratom and weight loss? If so, does there exist a best kratom strain for weight loss? Regardless of what you might believe, the answers to these questions are not as simple as they might seem. For starters, there have been zero scientific studies evaluating the relationship between kratom and weight […]

DIY Liquid Kratom Shots
January 22, 2021

DIY Liquid Kratom Shots

Liquid kratom shots provide a new and improved way to take your daily dose of kratom! But what are they? Kratom shots (as they’re called for short) combine liquid kratom extract with delicious, single-shot beverages. These extracts contain concentrated alkaloids from the kratom plant, mitragyna speciosa, which are responsible for the effects you may experience. […]

Tips Before You Purchase Kratom

Last year, an estimated 15 million people reported using kratom in the United States alone. Needless to say, kratom products are far more popular than ever before. With so many people interested in mitragyna speciosa, the plant responsible for kratom, where are all the user guides? At Kratom Spot, we occasionally publish content to help […]

Kanna vs. Kratom
December 11, 2020

Kanna vs. Kratom

It seems that a new botanical supplement enters the market every month. At Kratom Spot, we are dedicated to educating you on the wealth of botanicals out there. Why? Because we believe in bettering the world, and botanicals like Mitragyna speciosa – better known as kratom – can help. Today, we’re going to examine a […]

Your Guide to Borneo Kratom
December 4, 2020

Your Guide to Borneo Kratom

It should come as no surprise that kratom enthusiasts love their regional strains. From the powerful Thai Maeng Da to the gold-standard Indo, kratom enthusiasts get to experience kratom from throughout Southeast Asia. However, there’s one unique, region-specific strain that has caught our eye. We’re, of course, talking about Borneo kratom, derived from the vast […]

What is the Strongest Kratom?
November 13, 2020

What is the Strongest Kratom?

There are many high-quality kratom strains to choose from, but what if you want the strongest kratom on the market? Well, the search for the strongest kratom strain is more complicated than you might imagine. For starters, the kratom botanical family is diverse. As you probably know, kratom products are typically separated into three distinct […]

Introducing Kratom Shots
November 6, 2020

Introducing Kratom Shots

The kratom industry is evolving, and at Kratom Spot, we’re evolving with it. How? By adding to our current line of industry-leading kratom products and offering something truly unique: delicious kratom liquid shots! But what are kratom liquid shots, or “kratom shots” for short? As many of you already know, you typically purchase kratom in […]

The Key Difference Between Kratom Strains

Believe it or not, every kratom product you know and love derives from one source: the mitragyna speciosa tree. A member of the coffee family, the mitragyna speciosa is a tropical evergreen tree native only to Southeast Asia. However, this single tree gives us a variety of different strains of kratom. It’s important to understand […]

How to Ensure You Have Authentic Kratom

Kratom users are picky, but rightfully so. It’s vital that you receive genuine, authentic kratom. And with so many strains of kratom to choose from, the question isn’t just what kratom products to buy, but who you buy them from. Kratom Spot offers genuine kratom products straight from the source: the lush jungles of Southeast […]

Chocolate Kratom: BFFs?
September 18, 2020

Chocolate Kratom: BFFs?

Kratom products possess a bitter flavor. Unless you’re already predisposed to these earthy, bitter palettes, you might not like the taste. Luckily, however, there are many great ways to accentuate this bitter taste and improve your kratom experience. What’s one of our favorite kratom flavor combinations here at Kratom Spot? Kratom chocolate, of course! According […]

How to Neutralize the Bitter Taste of Kratom

Kratom users know: this herb can taste unpleasant, to say the least. The basic flavors of the kratom plant are generally described as earthy, bitter, and pungent. Reducing bitterness can significantly improve your kratom regimen experience, but how to neutralize bitter tastes depends upon your taste buds. However, it’s entirely possible to balance bitter flavors […]

Oblate Discs and Kratom
September 2, 2020

Oblate Discs and Kratom

On the lookout for the absolute best way to take your dose of quality kratom powder? Sure, some users are die-hard fans of capsules or the “toss and wash”. But there’s a new contender in town, one that combines many of the advantages of the other most popular kratom methods: Oblate Discs and parachuting kratom. […]

The Story of the Kratom Ban
August 28, 2020

The Story of the Kratom Ban

The will of the people seldom aligns with the will of the government. We see this with the kratom ban, an ongoing war against kratom products started by the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) in 2016 and continued by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in 2017. Even now, amid a global health crisis and growing […]

Measuring Your Kratom Dosage

When it comes to ensuring you have a positive experience with kratom, dosage is everything. Depending on kratom tolerance, treatment needs, and individual biochemistry, users will need a different amount to reach their desired effects. Moreover, kratom is dose-dependent — meaning that errors in your measurement technique can lead to undesired results! For these reasons, […]

Can You Get a DUI on Kratom?

As kratom becomes more popular in the U.S., it’s only natural for users to ask certain questions about its use. Is kratom considered a legal substance? Can you get a DUI on kratom? Could you get arrested? Today, we’re going to take a look at some of these driving-related questions. But remember: this guide is […]

The Top 7 Tree Leaves You Can Eat

Have you ever wondered about edible trees? With so much emphasis on chemical medicine these days, it’s easy to forget that humans once relied entirely on wild plants to alleviate their health-related ailments. And in fact, eating the leaves of certain trees can have a profound impact on the health and wellness of our bodies […]

What is Stagnant Strain Syndrome?

Stagnant strain syndrome is a term used to describe how a single strain of kratom can lose its potency over time. The kratom community coined this term in order to describe one of the more unusual types of kratom tolerance. To better understand stagnant strain syndrome, let’s look at a white vein maeng da kratom […]

Kratom for Relaxation: The Most Relaxing Kratom Strains Ranked

Mitragyna speciosa, better known as kratom, is a versatile plant. Depending on the strain and vein colors, it can deliver pain relief, a mood boost, or sedative effects. But one of the most popular uses is kratom for anxiety. But what is the most relaxing kratom? In today’s article, we’re going to be going over […]

How to Keep Your Kratom Tolerance Down

If you feel like your regular dose isn’t as effective as it used to be, you’re not alone. Developing a kratom tolerance is common among regular users. As with any botanical, repeat use causes reduced effects and a higher dose of kratom to achieve the same effects. But don’t worry! Kratom tolerance can be managed […]

Kratom User Guide: 5 Tips for New Users

The world of kratom can be a beautiful affair, offering kratom users a boost in their daily health regimens. However, the kratom community can also be dizzying and confusing; there’s just so much information out there, it’s difficult for new users to know what’s what. Kratom Spot has taken the time to develop a kratom […]

What’s Legal in Kratom Advertising?

As a writer, wellness enthusiast, and kratom researcher alike, I have a confession to make: writing about kratom isn’t fun. I believe in the potential kratom benefits that you’ve heard from friends or read about in anecdotal user reports; I believe the plant has changed the lives of thousands of Americans for the better. However, […]

How to Choose Kratom Vendors

Whether you’re a long-time kratom user or are just beginning to research this natural plant extract, it’s crucial to find the best source. For well-researched information, community engagement, and of course quality of product, the most reputable kratom vendors can make all the difference in the world for your kratom experience. With so many kratom […]

Pros & Cons of Bulk Kratom Powder

We love buying things in bulk: tea, batteries, toothpaste, anything from Costco– the list goes on and on. But did you know that you can even buy bulk kratom? That’s right! Bulk kratom powder allows you many of the same opportunities as other bulk purchases; most notably, you get to save on kratom. With Kratom […]

Is Smoking Kratom Possible?

Smoking kratom is indeed possible, but inadvisable. Why is it a bad idea? Because taking your dose of kratom in this fashion can have many long-term side effects on the lungs and central nervous system. Any amount of kratom, including large amounts of raw kratom leaves, can negatively affect the capillaries in your lungs when […]

How to Toss and Wash Kratom

Ahh, the toss and wash, kratom users’ old standby for quick, easy kratom dosing. The toss and wash method is a remarkably simple technique, which accounts for its widespread popularity as one of, if not, the best way to take kratom. New users may be a bit confused; after all, the term alone doesn’t really […]