Kratom Tea: The Ultimate Guide
Kratom tea is easily brewed and is a common way to prepare the plant. This way of preparing kratom may be popular, and sweeteners such as honey or Stevia may be added to a kratom tea recipe to create a more enjoyable beverage. However, brewing kratom tea may require several attempts and experimentation with various kratom tea recipes.
What Is Kratom Tea?
Kratom tea is a bit of a misnomer. While it is possible to make pure kratom tea using only the leaf, the most common kratom tea recipe uses kratom powder as it is much easier and effective to make regular tea and blend in kratom powder. Generally, when someone makes kratom tea, they are brewing kratom powder and adding various tea bases like green, black, white, oolong, or herbal teas. The effects of both kratom powder and the tea are said to complement one another and create an enjoyable experience when brewed together.
Kratom Tea vs. Kratom Extract
While kratom extract is often misconstrued as kratom powder, the extract is not recommended for your kratom tea recipe. The hot water necessary for making kratom tea can break down some of the alkaloids that make kratom extract desirable. Kratom extract may also be unpredictably potent, as it is a more highly concentrated form of powder. Instead, solid kratom powder may be used to brew into a liquid form of kratom.
How to Make Kratom Tea
Brewing kratom tea will involve your tea of choice, kratom powder, and hot water. However, making kratom tea — or any tea for that matter — may not be as easy as it seems. Often, over– or under–steeping can ruin a pot of tea, while boiling water may compromise the chemical properties of the kratom added. You will need to avoid these mistakes while making tea, and if you plan to make kratom powder part of your tea-brewing process, you will need to keep the water below a boil to avoid compromising the chemical makeup and its desired results.
We’ll walk you through the basic steps on how to make kratom tea the simple way with our kratom tea recipe.
- Boil water. A good baseline recipe may include .5g of kratom powder per 1 cup of hot water. The more water you use, the lighter the flavor. The effects will be the same, so long as it’s all consumed.
- Add kratom powder into a large cup or container and pour in the hot water. Stir the kratom until it is thoroughly mixed.
- Allow water to cool to the appropriate temperature before brewing your favorite tea.
- Add sweeteners such as honey, sugar, or Stevia to taste.
- Enjoy!
Is Kratom Tea For Sale?
While you cannot buy kratom tea as a standalone product, you can purchase kratom powder online to follow our kratom tea recipe at home. Here, you can tailor your kratom to your liking by adding ingredients that are enjoyable to you. So, while kratom is not available for purchase as a finished product, you can buy the ingredients necessary to make it on your own.
What Kratom Should You Use for Kratom Tea?
When making kratom tea, you will want to purchase kratom from a responsible online source. This ensures the kratom that you are buying is free of impurities and other additive or foreign substances. As with any kratom preparation, you should always seek to purchase and utilize high-quality products and avoid buying cheap kratom just because it is available or easy to get a hold of. Buying cheap kratom often means the dealer is trying to get rid of it for questionable reasons — perhaps the kratom is old, has a low potency, or comes from an unknown source.
Kratom tea is said to be just as enjoyable as regular tea but enhanced with the added effects of kratom. As always, kratom should be prepared responsibly and with care. The adverse side effects of kratom are too risky to be careless; however, starting with low proportions and experimenting with kratom tea can help you find the perfect cup of tea for you.