Sustainable farming practices have been in the spotlight recently as the world comes to terms with humanity’s impact on the world around us. While many industries find themselves struggling to adopt a business model built around ethical farming, for reputable Kratom suppliers, taking care of the environment is already second nature. In many cases, Kratom farming in Southeast Asia could serve as a model for the rest of the world as it struggles to come to grips with turning a profit without turning the land into a barren wasteland.
What Is Sustainable Farming?
Sustainable farming practices are meant to create an agricultural industry that replenishes the natural resources it uses while delivering much-needed crops in sufficient quantities. While it sounds simple on the surface, as plants grow, they consume nutrients. Crops that are harvested need time to regrow and depending on the crop, the harvest, if not properly planned, can outstrip the land’s ability to provide enough growth for the next harvest. In short, sustainable farming practices are designed to ensure we have the crops we need today without robbing future generations of that same access.
How Is Ethical Farming Different From Sustainable Farming?
Often times, an ethical farm is a sustainable farm, but that is not necessarily the case. The purpose of an ethical farm is to not do harm to the animals, people, and communities around it. As more species enter the endangered lists, wildlife is increasingly displaced by human encroachment, and more and more indigenous people are assimilated into cultures their society and physical health are ill-prepared for, ethical agriculture has taken on an increased importance.
Where Does Kratom Come In?
Kratom, an evergreen tree native to Southeast Asia, is a member of the coffee family that has been drawing increased attention from Western science and amateur researchers exploring its potential benefits. The plants of the Kratom tree are traditionally considered medicinal by the indigenous people of the region who have come to rely on it over the centuries. The rich, acidic soil and warm, wet environment of the area’s rainforests and jungles help foster the concentration of over 40 active alkaloid compounds, making it a promising ethnobotanical for health and wellness researchers.
In many places throughout the region, the leaves of the plant are still harvested in the traditional way, laying the groundwork for a specialized agricultural niche built on sustainable farming practices. There, local farmers harvest the plant material by hand, often from wild-grown trees along river banks in the forests that neighbor these communities. Unlike the massive monocrop agricultural ventures we’re used to in America, these forest “farms” are rich in a biologically diverse range of plants and animals, including some endangered species, like the Sumatran Tiger. This hand harvesting gently prunes trees for the leaves being harvested but leaves the remainder to help nourish the tree which continues to grow strong.
One alternative sustainable farming practice also being employed is to work directly with local farmers on “backyard” farms. A masterpiece of ethical farming, this practice not only helps limit human traffic through wild areas, protecting the wild flora and fauna, but it also helps provide a ready, sustainable source of income for traditional communities that may otherwise see their populace move to cities in search of income opportunities. This is partially accomplished through hands-on work with local people by guides, mentors, or instructors who help them create sustainable agricultural practices on a micro level and partially through ethical fair trade practices. This provides value for value to the small farmers and the communities they’re an integral part of.
No Deforestation
This “decentralized” farming model means that, unlike some other agricultural industries such as timber and palm oil production, deforestation is not only not required, but antithetical to the process. This reduces the need for wildlife to come into contact with humans, stems the flow of formerly indigenous peoples away from their traditional villages, and leaves in place vital natural resources, such as old-growth forests that can take generations to return to their glory after a single clear cut operation.
Cleaner Growing and Processing
Another part of sustainable farming practices extends beyond the farm to the processing centers that turn raw leaves into the powders that are shipped to our customers. By using processes that don’t include harmful, toxic chemicals, the groundwater is kept cleaner. That means healthier land, healthier crops, and healthier drinking water for the farmers who grow and harvest Kratom.
Building Relationships, Not Empires
We’re proud to work directly with the people who have cultivated Kratom for generations on their native soil. We provide resources that prepare the next generation of farmers for the time when they will take over the reins of the family business and become successful entrepreneurs and community leaders in their own right. By helping them enrich and preserve their communities, we’re doing more than just ensuring you have access to high-quality Kratom, we’re helping protect the planet and the plants and animals we share it with. The best part is you can help.
By choosing a responsible Kratom supplier committed to sustainable farming practices, you’re enabling us to continue protecting some of the pristine wildlands throughout Southeast Asia. This helps safeguard your long-term access to potent Kratom products. It also helps us prove to the world that businesses and people can work together to make a difference through sustainable, ethical farming that gives back to the land.
Responsible Kratom Suppliers
We’re extremely proud of the work we do to supply you with the highest quality Kratom products today while fostering the sustainable farming practices and human resources that will ensure a stable, sustainable supply of Kratom for future generations. If you would like additional information about our products or practices, contact our customer service team at (888) 510-2038. Order your sustainable and ethical Kratom products online from Kratom Spot today.