
An eco-farmer looking at his eco-friendly crops, like kratom!

Kratom trees, known scientifically as Mitragyna speciosa, are tropical evergreen trees in the coffee family. They grow naturally in rainforests throughout Southeast Asia. The leaves of the kratom tree have both traditional and modern significance for homeopathic medicine. Kratom was first introduced to Western society in the 1990s but only took hold as an ethnobotanical […]

Global Ban on Kratom

Kratom Ban Update: FDA Seeking World-Wide Ban on Kratom After failing to ban kratom domestically time and time again, the FDA is taking a new tack: a global ban on kratom. That’s right. It’s time for another kratom ban update. And this time, kratom needs you to lend your voice to the cause. Here’s the […]

Signs of a Good Kratom Vendor

Whether shopping for kratom online or in-person, finding the right kratom vendor is key. From product quality and pricing to customer service and more, a quality shop will make all the difference in the world. But finding the right one is not always as easy as you’d hope. Luckily, there are a few things you […]

Some kratom supplements sprawled out on a table.

The kratom supplement has become increasingly popular over the last few years.  The pandemic only exacerbated its popularity:  people all over the world have improved their standards for healthy living. In fact, general supplement use is up. But where does kratom fit into the supplement world? For starters, it’s important to understand what makes kratom […]

The Supplement Industry

2020 was a historic year, bringing dramatic changes to the ways that we live. And while the pandemic recession was devastating for many sectors of the economy, certain industries boomed. Among these, the supplement industry. And it’s no wonder. As the COVID-19 pandemic rampaged across the world, it’s only natural for individuals to seek new […]

Hulu Kapuas kratom capsules in a bowl next to some kratom powder and kratom leaves.

If you ask this question to kratom enthusiasts or kratom sellers, you’ll get two completely different answers. In reality, Hulu Kapuas is a kratom strain named after the region it originates. The Kapuas River begins near the geographic center of Borneo, Indonesia, flowing west into the South China Sea. This area is known as the […]

Is Kratom Legal in Florida

Kratom is legal throughout the vast majority of the United States. What’s more, new laws are being passed to protect kratom users and the therapeutic kratom products they enjoy throughout the US. But that isn’t true everywhere. For example, is kratom legal in Florida? The short answer: yes, kratom is legal in Florida. But it’s […]

Kratom FDA Conflict

The kratom industry is no stranger to controversy and stigma. Despite a growing body of evidence for kratom’s legitimate therapeutic uses, kratom use remains controversial, the FDA continues to restrict access to kratom, and disinformation runs rampant. The controversy, FDA actions, and disinformation aren’t just a matter of swaying public opinion. They pose a genuine, […]

A hand holding a handful of green kratom edibles atop a bag of Kratom Spot kratom.

Let’s take a moment to remember the early kratom market. You could easily find kratom powder or kratom capsules for sale, but was there any variety outside of these two products? No, not really. We’ve come a long way since those early days. Kratom, once an obscure wellness supplement turned household name, is now available […]

Buying Kratom Online

When it comes to kratom, online shopping has several advantages over traditional, in-store shopping. From product selection to customer service and even currency options, buying kratom online is simply the best option for virtually every user’s needs. In this article, we cover the most important points of shopping for kratom online. We go point by […]

A bowl of mitragyna hirsuta powder beside some mitragyna hirsuta leaves.

Mitragyna hirsuta is a natural supplement similar to kratom. In fact, both come from the same ethnobotanical family, which also includes coffee! If kratom isn’t quite your cup of tea, some believe that mitragyna hirsuta powder acts as an adequate kratom alternative. However, it can be difficult to find meaningful information about this product and […]

Green Maeng Da Kratom

Green Maeng Da kratom is one of the most popular strains on the market. Beloved by users new and old and versatile enough for all-day use, it’s a potent and effective strain that can be tailored to almost any user’s needs. In this in-depth review, we cover why Green Maeng Da is one of our […]

A lineup of white maeng da kratom products.

Maeng Da strains are some of the most popular kratom products in the world. The term Maeng Da translates to “Pimp Grade” in Thai, an ode to the strain’s superior alkaloid content and strength. In addition, White Maeng Da kratom is considered one of the most potent strains available. It offers superior quality to white […]

Super Indo Kratom

Super Indo kratom. Just what makes this strain special? How does it compare to other kratom products? Is “super” all it’s cracked up to be, or is it just a marketing gimmick? In this article, we dive into the world of Super Indo kratom. We’ll shine the spotlight on all things Super Indo, from the […]

Kratom and Energy Drinks

Kratom and energy drinks. It’s a combination that’s getting more attention in the kratom community, but is it safe? Is it healthy? And what should you expect from this potent combination. While some users have been mixing kratom with its cousin, coffee, for years, the kratom + energy drink fad is far newer. So understandably, […]

A bird's eye view of kratom powder (in focus) and a lot of kratom capsules (out of focus).

Mitragyna speciosa, better known as the herbal supplement “kratom”, has gained popularity in recent years. The plant itself is a member of the coffee family with relatively few side effects. As such, we get a lot of positive testimonials from kratom users: “I never thought the effects of kratom would change my life so much!” […]

How to Dissolve Kratom

How to get kratom to dissolve? It’s one of the most frequently asked questions we hear from the kratom community, and for good reason. If you’re a fan of drinking kratom with water or juice, then dissolving your dose of kratom would be ideal! Well, we’ve got bad news and good news. Kratom powder simply […]

A man hunched over, suffering from a killer kratom hangover

It’s estimated that the average person spends two years of their life hungover. Even more time is spent uttering these words: “I’ll never drink again.” But what if the drinks we’re referring to have nothing to do with alcohol? Mitragyna speciosa, better known as kratom, offers value as a therapeutic substance. According to a 2017 […]

A gavel next to kratom products

Let’s get one thing straight: kratom is legal throughout most of the United States. It helps a variety of people better their daily lives. Everyone should have access to safe, high-quality kratom products no matter where they live. That’s not the reality of the kratom industry, however. There are many places within the U.S. where […]

A cup of kratom tea using kratom tea bags

As you may already know, loose leaf kratom leaves are ideal for brewing kratom tea! This can be a delicious way to overcome the bitter taste of natural kratom. But there’s a catch: what if you don’t already know how to use kratom tea bags? In addition, there are still many unanswered questions surrounding these […]

Image of alkaloid rich foods

Common Alkaloids in Food If you’ve been in the kratom community for long, odds are you’ve run into the term “alkaloids” a time or two. Indeed, kratom’s alkaloids are the natural compounds responsible for kratom’s unique effects. But kratom isn’t the only source of alkaloids: there are alkaloids in food we eat every day! In […]

A flowering Mimosa Hostilis tree

Mimosa Hostilis is an ethnobotanical tree that reportedly possesses anti-inflammatory properties, among other health benefits. It’s native to northeastern Brazil, where it’s used as a traditional medicine. Additionally, it grows throughout Columbia, El Salvador, Honduras, Mexico, Panama, and Venezuela. Mimosa Hostilis also goes by many names: Mimosa tenuiflora: the scientific name. Jurema or Jurema Preta: […]

Strongest Kratom Capsules

With so many kratom capsule options to choose from, you might have a hard time picking the best for your needs. New users often start by looking for the strongest kratom capsules — but is there really such a thing, or is it a matter of personal preference? The search for the strongest kratom capsules […]

Vietnam Kratom

Vietnam kratom doesn’t get the attention of some other regional strains, but certain pockets of the kratom community are abuzz with it. Are Vietnam kratom strains the real deal? Or are they just another marketing gimmick? Unfortunately, it may be a little bit of both. In this article, we go into the ins and outs […]

How to make a kratom smoothie

You’ve undoubtedly heard about green smoothies: healthy smoothies made with leafy greens. But now, we’re taking it a step further with the green kratom smoothie! If you didn’t know, you could add kratom to your homemade smoothies to take them up a notch. At Kratom Spot, we strive to teach you the best kratom drink […]