Whether you’re new to kratom or a long-time enthusiast, you’ve probably seen both red vein Thai Kratom and green vein Thai Kratom available for purchase. What many people don’t know, however, is what that means. After all, powdered Kratom looks largely similar and decidedly green in color. These names — green, white, and red — are designed to help Kratom purchasers understand the differences in Kratom strains and their expected aromas.
Red Vein Thai Kratom Vs. Green Vein Thai Kratom: Naming The Strains
By adopting a standard naming profile, the Kratom industry has given Kratom buyers an easy shorthand guide to understanding what type of Kratom they are buying. As an example, we’ll look at “red vein Thai Kratom powder:”
- Red Vein – Sometimes shortened to just the color “red,” this labeling lets you know the color of the leaf stems and veins before processing. While these are removed before the leaves are ground, small flecks may remain in the powder, hinting at its vein color on visual examination. The color of these stems indicates the maturity of the leaves — with white being the youngest, green in the middle, and red the most mature variety — and the alkaloid composition of the final product.
- Thai – The second part of the name announces the country of origin the Kratom grew in. While Kratom found throughout Southeast Asia is genetically very similar, each growing region — in this case, Thailand — has a different soil composition, temperature, and humidity level that affects the formation of alkaloids in the leaves.
- Powder – This tells you the form your green or red vein Thai Kratom is being delivered in. The two most common forms are powder (which is simply the ground up leaves) and extract (a more concentrated form that can be referred to as concentrate or “ultra”). Kratom is also offered in capsules, which provides a precisely measured quantity.
With this decoded naming convention, “white vein Thai kratom” is no longer an intimidating name.
Thailand’s Jungle Paradise
Thailand is found at the center of the Indochinese peninsula, where it enjoys a warm, tropical climate. The acidic soil found in the rainforests and jungles is perfect for promoting higher concentrations of mitragynine and 7-hydroxymitragynine found in green and red vein Thai Kratom, the two primary active compounds it’s sought after for. Kratom, an evergreen tree related to coffee, grows in small farms and wild in the jungles of the area, where it is tended to and eventually harvested by local Kratom farmers.
In many areas, this is a generational job, as the indigenous people of the area have cultivated Kratom as a medicinal plant for hundreds of years. Families work their small garden-farms and use Kratom as a cash crop to resist displacement by larger timber deforestation efforts and monocultivar oil palm plantations. We work with these families to create a sustainable supply of Kratom for our customers, environmentally-friendly cultivation for the environment, and fair trade compensation to protect their way of life.
Both red vein Thai Kratom and green vein Thai Kratom are renowned for their potency. While much of the Indochinese peninsula has an environment perfect for growing Kratom, buyers seek out red vein Thai Kratom thanks to its higher concentrations of active compounds overall and 7-hydroxymitragynine specifically. Thailand is also the birthplace of Maeng Da Kratom, which roughly translates to “pimp grade,” a common name recognizing its extreme potency.
Kratom Vein Colors
As Kratom leaves grow, they all start with white veins, a sign of new growth. Throughout their lifecycle, however, they turn to green and then red as they age, and the concentration of their active compounds shift.
Red vein Thai Kratom leaves are the oldest and often found lower and closer to the trunk where the older growth is. Green vein Thai Kratom leaves are higher and further out on the tree. Farmers select only the leaves needed for harvest, as the remainder will stay on the tree to keep it well fed and continue to age for future harvests.
How These Characteristics Are Used
Understanding the background and provenance of the red vein Thai Kratom and green vein Thai Kratom powder helps educated Kratom purchasers choose the best form for their specific needs.
- Red Vein Thai Kratom – One of the most popular Kratom strains on the market, red vein Thai Kratom’s aroma is considered invigorating and is perfect for meditation focused on managing a busy life and the aches and discomforts of a busy and active lifestyle. It is generally regarded as a good place to begin for those unfamiliar with the plant.
- Green Vein Thai Kratom – Many people find the pleasing aroma of green vein Thai Kratom helps them focus. Falling in between the red and younger white leaves, it is often viewed as a blending of the two.
Buying The Best Kratom
When choosing Kratom, look for a reputable supplier that can deliver fresh stock that is as close to the harvest date as possible. This helps ensure its potency, as the active compounds begin to breakdown and are ineffective after a year. Kratom powders should be loose and “fluffy” looking with vibrant color. The smell of your powder should be slightly tangy with a hint of cut vegetation, without a chemical odor that can signal poor processing practices.
At Kratom Spot, we’re proud of the work we do with local growers, processors, and advocates around the world to keep your Kratom safe. If you have any questions about green or red vein Thai Kratom, call our customer service department at 888-510-2038. Order your premium Kratom products online from Kratom Spot today.