Kratom News

Kalimantan Red Vein Kratom: Effects, Review & More

Borneo, the largest island in Asia, is politically divided between three countries: Malaysia, Brunei, and Indonesia. However, the latter claims about 73% of all land on the island. Locals refer to the Indonesian portion as the Kalimantan region of Borneo, known as Kali for short. Kali is home to one of the world’s oldest tropical […]

Trends in Southeast Asian Kratom Use

Kratom comes originally from a number of Southeast Asian countries, and its history in that region is long and storied. But just like kratom itself, kratom use in Southeast Asia has been largely ignored here in the States. And yet, new interest in the region’s relationship with kratom is emerging, and a number of studies […]

When to Choose Loose Leaf vs. Kratom Powder

Kratom (scientific name: Mitragyna speciosa) is an ethnobotanical herb native to Southeast Asia. The plant shares a rich, sometimes controversial history in countries like Indonesia, Malaysia, and Thailand. Civilizations here have used the plant as a therapeutic medicine for thousands of years. Even where legislation bans the use of kratom products like crushed leaf kratom […]

Banned And Illegal Plants
February 18, 2022

Banned And Illegal Plants

The state of Mississippi recently moved to ban kratom. Officials say the plant lacks medicinal value. Think about that for a moment: banning a plant because it lacks medicinal value. Does tobacco have medicinal value? What about the weeds in your back lawn—should we ban those, too? And scientists disagree with the state of Mississippi. […]

Stem and Vein Kratom: What You Need to Know

Known scientifically as Mitragyna speciosa, kratom trees grow like wildfire amid the tropical landscapes of Southeast Asia. It is so common, locals even report starting kratom farms in their own backyards. And in the West, kratom has a different meaning… Wellness! Finely-ground kratom powders have become quite popular throughout the United States. Users ingest this […]

Kratom and Dogs: When Science and Canines Collide

In an industry full of setbacks, cheers to some good news: Mitragyna speciosa (kratom) is one step closer to human clinical trials. Researchers have graduated from rodent examinations to canine clinical research. Animal studies are vital to the scientific process. According to scientists at the University of Florida (UF), where the kratom-dog studies occurred, “Research […]

Don’t Mix Carbonated Drinks & Kratom

The kratom leaf is responsible for a variety of products you know and love, including Kratom Spot’s hand-selected line of powerful kratom powders. Family farmers pluck these leaves directly from Mitragyna speciosa trees, native to Southeast Asia. Kratom users experience wide-ranging benefits from this ethnobotanical. However, they might also experience something else: a not-so-savory aftertaste. […]

Shilajit vs. Kratom
October 1, 2021

Shilajit vs. Kratom

There are many natural supplements out there, each with individual benefits to our health and wellness. Take Mitragyna speciosa, for example, the tree that gives us kratom! Long revered as a form of traditional medicine, kratom products continue to inspire wellness trends throughout Southeast Asia and the West today. However, not even kratom matches the […]

Kratom User Demographics—Who’s Using Kratom?

Known scientifically as Mitragyna speciosa, kratom trees grow in the dense rainforests of Southeast Asia. It is considered a traditional medicine in countries like Malaysia and Thailand. Throughout the region, kratom is often used by working-class manual laborers: fishermen, farmers, rubber-tappers, etc. Rural workers often chew fresh kratom leaves to relieve fatigue and increase energy […]

Mixing Kratom and Marijuana
August 20, 2021

Mixing Kratom and Marijuana

As a result of the 2020 elections, recreational marijuana was legalized in five U.S. states: Arizona Mississippi Montana New Jersey South Dakota More and more states fight for pro-cannabis legislation every year. It is clear: the world’s historically anti-marijuana agenda is soon coming to an end, whether you like it or not. But what do […]

Coevolutionary Relationships: A Theory About Kratom & Humans

The coevolutionary process is defined as two or more species co-evolving in response to one another. It is more likely to occur in interacting species that share the same environment. And because we’ll be talking about kratom, specifically, we’ll be focusing primarily on plant species when discussing coevolution. A prominent example of coevolution in plants: […]

Eco-Farming and Kratom
August 6, 2021

Eco-Farming and Kratom

Kratom trees, known scientifically as Mitragyna speciosa, are tropical evergreen trees in the coffee family. They grow naturally in rainforests throughout Southeast Asia. The leaves of the kratom tree have both traditional and modern significance for homeopathic medicine. Kratom was first introduced to Western society in the 1990s but only took hold as an ethnobotanical […]

Understanding the Kratom Supplement Craze

The kratom supplement has become increasingly popular over the last few years.  The pandemic only exacerbated its popularity:  people all over the world have improved their standards for healthy living. In fact, general supplement use is up. But where does kratom fit into the supplement world? For starters, it’s important to understand what makes kratom […]

What is Hulu Kapuas Kratom?

If you ask this question to kratom enthusiasts or kratom sellers, you’ll get two completely different answers. In reality, Hulu Kapuas is a kratom strain named after the region it originates. The Kapuas River begins near the geographic center of Borneo, Indonesia, flowing west into the South China Sea. This area is known as the […]

Disinformation and Property Seizure: the FDA “Cracks Down” on Kratom Yet Again

The kratom industry is no stranger to controversy and stigma. Despite a growing body of evidence for kratom’s legitimate therapeutic uses, kratom use remains controversial, the FDA continues to restrict access to kratom, and disinformation runs rampant. The controversy, FDA actions, and disinformation aren’t just a matter of swaying public opinion. They pose a genuine, […]

The Emergence of Kratom Edibles

Let’s take a moment to remember the early kratom market. You could easily find kratom powder or kratom capsules for sale, but was there any variety outside of these two products? No, not really. We’ve come a long way since those early days. Kratom, once an obscure wellness supplement turned household name, is now available […]

What is Mitragyna Hirsuta?

Mitragyna hirsuta is a natural supplement similar to kratom. In fact, both come from the same ethnobotanical family, which also includes coffee! If kratom isn’t quite your cup of tea, some believe that mitragyna hirsuta powder acts as an adequate kratom alternative. However, it can be difficult to find meaningful information about this product and […]

Kratom Did Nothing for Me, Now What?

Mitragyna speciosa, better known as the herbal supplement “kratom”, has gained popularity in recent years. The plant itself is a member of the coffee family with relatively few side effects. As such, we get a lot of positive testimonials from kratom users: “I never thought the effects of kratom would change my life so much!” […]

Is Kratom Legal in California?

Let’s get one thing straight: kratom is legal throughout most of the United States. It helps a variety of people better their daily lives. Everyone should have access to safe, high-quality kratom products no matter where they live. That’s not the reality of the kratom industry, however. There are many places within the U.S. where […]

How to Use Kratom Tea Bags

As you may already know, loose leaf kratom leaves are ideal for brewing kratom tea! This can be a delicious way to overcome the bitter taste of natural kratom. But there’s a catch: what if you don’t already know how to use kratom tea bags? In addition, there are still many unanswered questions surrounding these […]

What is Mimosa Hostilis?
April 23, 2021

What is Mimosa Hostilis?

Mimosa Hostilis is an ethnobotanical tree that reportedly possesses anti-inflammatory properties, among other health benefits. It’s native to northeastern Brazil, where it’s used as a traditional medicine. Additionally, it grows throughout Columbia, El Salvador, Honduras, Mexico, Panama, and Venezuela. Mimosa Hostilis also goes by many names: Mimosa tenuiflora: the scientific name. Jurema or Jurema Preta: […]

How to Make a Kratom Smoothie

You’ve undoubtedly heard about green smoothies: healthy smoothies made with leafy greens. But now, we’re taking it a step further with the green kratom smoothie! If you didn’t know, you could add kratom to your homemade smoothies to take them up a notch. At Kratom Spot, we strive to teach you the best kratom drink […]

Kratom Stocks: Can You Invest in Kratom?

Can you buy and sell kratom stocks? The short answer is no. Kratom companies cannot currently participate in public trading on the stock exchange. This means that kratom investments are all but impossible to make, save for private equity negotiations. As such, there are no stocks to buy in the kratom market. If you wish […]

What Kratom Studies Are Underway?

In 2018, Kratom Spot questioned the lack of kratom studies. Kratom-related clinical trials could offer more insight into the potential therapeutic effects of this plant. That same year, the National Institutes of Health came to a similar conclusion: “There haven’t been any clinical trials (studies in people) to evaluate the health effects of kratom.” So […]

What is Train Wreck Kratom?
February 19, 2021

What is Train Wreck Kratom?

Kratom products were first introduced to the United States in the late 1990s. The herbal supplement eventually gained unprecedented popularity around 2016. To point out the obvious: this was only five years ago. Within the kratom community, we sometimes forget that kratom powder is still considered a “new” supplement. In fact, with so many strains […]