kratom tips

The Best Kratom Recipes: Kratom Honey Balls

On a quest for the best kratom recipes? No one could blame you. Kratom’s earthy, somewhat bitter taste isn’t for everyone, and finding that perfect dish can dramatically improve your kratom experience. While many users adore a delicious cup of kratom tea, perhaps you’re in the mood for something more substantial? Enter the kratom honey […]

How to Keep Your Kratom Tolerance Down

If you feel like your regular dose isn’t as effective as it used to be, you’re not alone. Developing a kratom tolerance is common among regular users. As with any botanical, repeat use causes reduced effects and a higher dose of kratom to achieve the same effects. But don’t worry! Kratom tolerance can be managed […]

Where’s the Best Place to Buy Kratom?

If you’ve been in the market for a bit, you’ll know that there is no shortage of kratom vendors, both online and in traditional brick and mortar shops. But if you’re looking for the best place to buy kratom, there are a few things to keep in mind. Whether you want the traditional brick and […]

Does Kratom Show up on a Drug Test?

Does kratom show up on a drug test? If you’re a kratom user facing a work-related drug screening, it’s understandable that you might be a bit concerned. But there’s good news: standard drug tests do not detect kratom alkaloids, so unless they run a kratom drug test specifically it’s doubtful that your kratom use will […]

Kratom and Alcohol: Is it Safe to Mix?

With so many users making kratom a part of their routine, some might inevitably consider combining their favorite kratom strains and alcohol. The question arises: is it safe, or are there dangers with mixing alcohol and kratom? Unfortunately, substantial clinical evidence on this important question is scarce, and it’s difficult to provide a complete answer. […]

Making Kratom Tea with Red Vein Kratom Leaf Powder

Of all the ways to take kratom, the therapeutic plant extract from South East Asia, none is so pleasant as a cup of kratom tea. Users the world over have long worked to develop the perfect recipe for making delicious kratom powder tea. There have been mixed results, as not every recipe complements kratom’s distinctive, […]

All About Kratom’s Origins: Who First Discovered Kratom?

One of the most often asked Kratom facts is who is responsible for discovering it. While it’s easier to find info about Kratom now, that’s because the internet makes it easier. When it was first discovered, Kratom offered the west a glimpse of an entirely new ethnobotanical with exciting properties. Kratom didn’t shake the foundation […]

The Most Recent FDA Kratom Testing Report & What We’re Doing About It

In April, the FDA released a report citing heavy metals in Kratom. Based on a secretive FDA Kratom testing initiative, the report stated that over 30 products had been tested and found to contain “unsafe levels” of nickel and lead. It went on to allege that long-term Kratom users could experience a range of effects […]

What the Difference Between Red Vein Thai & Green Vein Thai Kratom?

Whether you’re new to kratom or a long-time enthusiast, you’ve probably seen both red vein Thai Kratom and green vein Thai Kratom available for purchase. What many people don’t know, however, is what that means. After all, powdered Kratom looks largely similar and decidedly green in color. These names — green, white, and red — […]

5 Best White Kratom Strains for White Kratom Lovers

When you’re looking for an aroma that’s a real pick-me-up, the best white kratom won’t let you down. White kratom powder may not be as popular as its red and green-veined siblings, for many kratom purchasers, it offers an alternative that fits well with their lifestyle. Other kratom buyers, however, may not be familiar with […]

5 Strains for Red Kratom Lovers

Red Kratom is easily the most popular color of Kratom we sell at Kratom Spot. Not all Kratom, however, is created equal. The best red Kratom can be counted on for a potent aroma and reliable results, meanwhile other strains — such as green and white vein Kratom varieties — may not be what you’re […]

Update: The Proposed Indonesia Kratom Ban

The Kratom world was stunned recently when it came to light that a Kratom ban in Indonesia was being discussed. Indonesian Kratom (sometimes known as “Indo Kratom”) is some of the most plentiful on the market, and the kratom Indonesia connection is so close that a sudden ban would create a huge hole in the […]

Liquid Kratom: What Is A Kratom Liquid Shot?

What Is Liquid Kratom? Liquid kratom is kratom extract in liquid form, often combined with additives. It’s not a single product from a single source; rather, multiple suppliers manufacture liquid kratom, and the products vary a great deal depending on the type of kratom used, the additives included, and the potency of the final solution. […]

Benta-What?: Our Bentuangie Kratom Powder Explain

Bentuangie Kratom has fast gained a loyal following among Kratom lovers. Named after the Bentuangie region it grows in, this Indonesian strain of Kratom is fermented to give it an entirely different sensory profile. The result has been a popular strain that has characteristics slightly different than any other Kratom product strain we carry. Let’s […]

Kratom Extract: How Does it Work & What Does it Mean?

You may have seen that besides premium Kratom strains, we also offer Kratom extract for sale from our online store. For many people, extract is their preferred Kratom product type, while other people don’t understand what Kratom extract is. When you’re exploring the benefits of Kratom, independent research is vital. Understanding how extracts differ from […]

What Is Indo Kratom? A Guide to Indo Kratom

For many Kratom enthusiasts, premium Indo Kratom is the gold standard they judge all other strains by. If you’re new to Kratom products, however, you may want to know, what’s Indo kratom? As one of the primary varieties of Kratom available, you’ll find it from just about every seller, but knowing what to look for […]

“What Does Kratom Do?” 5 Questions New Kratom Users Always Have

New Kratom consumers can be confused about what kratom does and whether or not kratom is safe. These questions can be complicated, but necessary when evaluating whether or not Kratom is right for you. Independent research is vital to making an informed decision about Kratom, but accurate information can be hard to come by. Let’s […]

Thailand’s New Kratom Laws & What it Means for You

While Thailand’s regional strains of kratom are incredibly popular, kratom’s legal status there is complicated despite the irrefutable kratom Thailand connection. Thailand has banned kratom in its borders — a fact that some in the US have used to push for a kratom ban here. While it’s true that this potent ethnobotanical is interwoven with […]

Kratom Ban News: The FDA Kratom Ban & Where It’s at Now

If you’re a Kratom enthusiast, you most likely are regularly on the lookout for the latest Kratom ban news. After all, a ban on Kratom would eliminate or severely hamper your ability to legally purchase high-quality Kratom. The major threat to consumers in the United States is, of course, the FDA, which has taken an […]