Mimosa Hostilis is an ethnobotanical tree that reportedly possesses anti-inflammatory properties, among other health benefits. It’s native to northeastern Brazil, where it’s used as a traditional medicine. Additionally, it grows throughout Columbia, El Salvador, Honduras, Mexico, Panama, and Venezuela. Mimosa Hostilis also goes by many names:
- Mimosa tenuiflora: the scientific name.
- Jurema or Jurema Preta: traditional, psychoactive extracts from Brazil.
- Calumbi: slang; named after a Brazilian state where Mimosa Hostilis trees grow naturally.
- Tepezcohuite: Mimosa Hostilis-derived products from Mexico.
- And many others!
So what makes this plant worth discussing? Are there any parallels to Kratom? Well, yes and no. For starters, both Mimosa Hostilis and Kratom popularly come in powdered form. Kratom powder is one of the most popular wellness supplements on the American market. Mimosa Hostilis root bark powder is wildly popular in Middle and South America but gaining traction in the U.S.
What Else Do Mimosa Hostilis & Kratom Have in Common?
Both Are Ethnobotanical Plants
Ethnobotany is the study of regional plants through traditional knowledge. It emphasizes the human-plant relationship. For example, Kratom is native to Southeast Asia. Inhabitants of this area have used Kratom for thousands of years, much longer than any other population. Kratom is “ethnobotanical” because we can study the plant’s uses through the eyes of local Southeast Asian populations. The same can be said about Mimosa Hostilis in Middle and South America.
Both Possess Therapeutic, Traditional Uses
As you may already know, Kratom offers therapeutic properties when ingested. It’s been used as a traditional form of medicine in Southeast Asia for millennia. Similarly, Mimosa Hostilis powder and other products have been known to induce anti-inflammatory effects. On top of that, users report anxiolytic effects, euphoria, and cough-suppressant properties. You can even find Mimosa Hostilis root bark powder in mainstream cosmetics promoted by Kylie Jenner.
Mimosa Hostilis has a traditional history as well. In Brazil, specifically, locals brew tea using the leaves and stem of the Mimosa tree. This tea can then be used to treat toothache. Brazilians have also used leaf and bark extracts to treat cough and bronchitis. One preliminary research study even found Mimosa Hostilis to be effective against venous leg ulcerations (leg wounds caused by vein damage).
The Active Ingredients You Need to Know
Like the Kratom plant, Mimosa Hostilis contains a variety of natural chemicals, alkaloids, and other substances. These active ingredients are responsible for the effects you may experience after ingestion. In Mimosa Hostilis root bark, specifically, you can expect to find a variety of active ingredients:
- Arabinose: known scientifically as L-Arabinose, it offers potentially anti-obesity properties.
- Glucosides: reflect significant antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-diabetic, antiviral, antibacterial, and antifungal activity.
- Lipids: known to increase energy storage within the body as well as regulate other bodily functions.
- Lupeol: possesses antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-arthritic, antimutagenic, and antimalarial activity.
- Phytosterols: potentially decrease LDL cholesterol levels. However, more research is needed to fully understand phytosterols.
- Rhamnose: clinically proven to improve skin rejuvenation, collagen production, elasticity production, and cellular turnover. This explains Mimosa Hostilis’ popularity as a skincare ingredient.
- Saponins: known to decrease bad blood lipids and can even be used against acute lead poisoning.
- Tannins: offer antioxidants and potential anti-inflammatory effects. However, tannins can also be a source of nausea and other unwanted side effects.
- Xylose: a potential pancreas-strengthener.
- Yuremamine: a unique alkaloid likely responsible for the Mimosa Hostilis’ oral medicinal effects.
The Legality of Mimosa Hostilis Powder
When it comes to a new health and wellness supplement in the U.S., the question always bears: is it legal? While the U.S. has a tendency to ban plants it doesn’t understand, Mimosa Hostilis is different. In fact, it’s completely legal!
But it might not stay that way forever.
Why? Because one of the active ingredients in Mimosa root bark is Dimethyltryptamine, better known as DMT, a powerful psychedelic. Mimosa Hostilis root bark contains between 1% and 1.7% DMT. Non-root Mimosa tree bark also contains about 0.3% DMT.
Oddly enough, the DMT molecules in Mimosa Hostilis root bark should be inactive. The plant does not produce its own monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MOAIs), needed to inhibit DMT’s psychedelic effects when taken orally. However, for some unknown reason, Mimosa Hostilis users report DMT-like effects regardless.
Furthermore, Brazilians used Mimosa Hostilis powder traditionally as an accompaniment to spiritual, psychedelic ceremonies. Because of this history, regulating the plant becomes much more difficult in the U.S. Article 32 of the Convention on Psychotropic Substances allows nations to exempt certain psychedelic substances from a list of banned substances based on tradition.
Time will tell how Mimosa Hostilis will fare against U.S. regulatory authorities, but for now, Mimosa Hostilis is legal in the U.S.
Mimosa Hostilis Root Powder: Why You Should Care
At Kratom Spot, we make it our mission to educate you on more than just the Kratom industry. As part of the larger health and wellness industry, we make it our mission to educate our users on what’s out there. Furthermore, if one bad product finds its way to market, it could ruin the integrity of our shared industry.
With that said, what’s our verdict on Mimosa Hostilis and products like Mimosa Hostilis root powder? Overall: this natural substance seems alright. The plant and its many parts have proved useful in traditional medicinal practices for generations.
Mimosa Hostilis is Viable for Therapeutic Use…in Middle and South America
Unfortunately, from what we can see, Mimosa Hostilis powder sold in the U.S. is iffy, at best. Because Mimosa Hostilis root bark contains DMT, it compromises the potential accessibility for U.S. consumers. Why? Because DMT is seen as both a highly spiritual compound and an expensive psychedelic street drug. Fake Mimosa Hostilis products have been found on the market, posing dangers to consumer health.
If you have an interest in Mimosa Hostilis, we recommend that you conduct further research. In addition, we advise you to take the extra steps necessary to ensure you’re receiving shipments from safe sources. It is currently legal to ship Mimosa Hostilis products to the United States. You can also purchase raw tree material like bark, seeds, or leaves. You can also plant your own Mimosa Hostilis trees, so long as you live in USDA Zone 9 or higher.
However, if you’d like to stick with tried and true ethnobotanicals, Kratom Spot offers a wide range of proven Kratom products. All of our products are third party lab-tested to guarantee potency, efficacy, and safety. Furthermore, our Kratom powder is 100% free of all chemicals, fillers, or additives.