Kratom and Sleep: How It Affects Your Sleep Cycle and Tips for Better Sleep

Kratom for Sleep

No matter who you are, good sleep is key. Without it, your waking life is groggy, distracted, inefficient, and… well, generally unpleasant.

But how does kratom fit in? Is using kratom for sleep and relaxation a viable option? Or will kratom keep you from getting the rest and relaxation your body needs?

As with so many things in the kratom world, it all depends on how you use it.

Kratom Has Varied Effects

As experienced kratom users know, kratom’s effects can vary widely. Your choice of strain and of dosage size can have a profound impact on the effects that you’ll experience. What’s more, two people who take the same dose may experience different results.

That means that, if you want to use kratom for rest and relaxation, you’ll need to be sure you make the right choices for your unique needs. In terms of this herbal remedy for sleep, you’ll want to identify strains of kratom that are known for their calming effects to help manage your energy levels, while staying far away from the ones that will crank those levels up. 

Here’s an overview of the most common effects that you can expect from different kratom strains — and how they can affect kratom and sleep.


Feeling overly energetic at the end of the day is one of the most common causes of sleep deprivation. Luckily, some kratom strains can help with your overall energy levels.

Certain strains of kratom, particularly those with higher levels of 7-hydroxymitragynine, can have strong sedative effects.

These sedative properties could help promote sleep and potentially alleviate insomnia for some users, enabling them to finally fall asleep.

For enhanced sedation: Use red vein kratom strains, which are higher in 7-hydroxymitragynine. Try moderate sized doses, which are more sedative than small doses.

Relaxation and anxiety relief

Another common source of sleep problems is stress and anxiety that persist past bedtime. Again, kratom users may be in luck.

Kratom can induce a sense of relaxation and mental clarity that can alleviate anxiety in some individuals. This calming effect may help those who struggle with sleep due to anxiety or stress-related issues.

For relaxation and anxiety relief: Use red or green vein strains, though green strains may be too energizing for some users. Also consider brewing kratom tea with a relaxing, non-caffeinated tea bag to experience the calming effects of kratom and a warm drink simultaneously

Sleep disturbances

While the above-mentioned effects may be beneficial for sleep, it’s important to keep in mind that some strains may actually disrupt sleep.

Kratom can have stimulating properties, especially at lower doses or when using white vein and certain green vein strains. These are ideal for daytime use — but take them too close to bed, and it’s a recipe for a sleepless night.

The Best Strains: Kratom for Sleep and Relaxation

If you just want quick and easy tips on choosing the best kratom strains for sleep and relaxation, here’s what you should know:

White vein strains are a bad choice: White kratom tends to be the most energizing and uplifting. Regardless of the dosage size, white vein strains of kratom are not a good idea for rest, relaxation, and sleep.

Green vein strains are a decent choice for anxiety: If your sleep issues stem from anxiety and stress, green vein strains can be a good pick. These strains tend to give calm, clear head space — but they can also deliver energy that might disrupt some users sleep.

Red vein strains are the most sedative and relaxing: For general sleep issues, red vein strains are the clear winner. Because of their higher levels of 7-hydroxymitragynine, these strains are very relaxing and are a great pick for rest and relaxation.

Don’t Rely on Kratom for Sleep

Sleep is one of the most important factors for living a healthy, happy life. And for something so big, kratom should never be your #1 solution for sleep and relaxation.

For more tips on how to develop healthy sleep habits, consider speaking to a sleep specialist or your medical provider. Natural compounds like melatonin can be a helpful tool, too, but odds are that there’s an underlying cause for your sleep issues that could be usefully addressed.

Using kratom for rest and relaxation is a nice tool, but don’t let it be your be-all-end-all solution for sleep issues. Your body, your pocketbook, and your kratom tolerance will thank you.