kratom effects

Kalimantan Red Vein Kratom: Effects, Review & More

Borneo, the largest island in Asia, is politically divided between three countries: Malaysia, Brunei, and Indonesia. However, the latter claims about 73% of all land on the island. Locals refer to the Indonesian portion as the Kalimantan region of Borneo, known as Kali for short. Kali is home to one of the world’s oldest tropical […]

What Sets Red Vein Bali Kratom Apart

Red Vein Bali Kratom is one of the most popular of all kratom strains, and it’s an special favorite of several of us here at Kratom Spot. But what makes this unique strain special? In short, Red Vein Bali Kratom is believed to be one of the most effective strains for evening and nighttime use. […]

Red Vein Maeng Da: Is it Right for You? A Review of the Pros and Cons

Red Vein Maeng Da, also known simply as red Maeng Da, is one of the most popular and potent strains on the market. In this red vein Maeng Da review, we’ll cover everything you need to know about this extraordinary strain — from its unique benefits to possible side effects, dosage recommendations, and more. Let’s […]

Kratom Allergies: Symptoms and Remedies

Can you be allergic to kratom? The human body is a complex thing — and every single one of them behaves just a little bit differently than the next one. And for some kratom allergy symptoms may be a very real thing. After all, you could be allergic to virtually anything — even water can […]

Why Do Products Use White Vein Kratom?

In this week’s blog, we tackle a rather straightforward question — but one that we hear pretty frequently from members of the Kratom Spot community: “why are so many kratom-infused products made with white vein kratom?” And it’s true! Both here at Kratom Spot and elsewhere in the wide world of kratom, you’ll find that […]

How Hard is Kratom on the Liver?

The liver is a busy organ! From fatty foods to acetaminophen and alcohol — everything we eat or take goes through the liver. Over time, the strain we put on the liver can cause real complications and health concerns. So, how hard is kratom on the liver? Will regular kratom use put an undue strain […]

Stem and Vein Kratom: What You Need to Know

Known scientifically as Mitragyna speciosa, kratom trees grow like wildfire amid the tropical landscapes of Southeast Asia. It is so common, locals even report starting kratom farms in their own backyards. And in the West, kratom has a different meaning… Wellness! Finely-ground kratom powders have become quite popular throughout the United States. Users ingest this […]

Kratom and Dogs: When Science and Canines Collide

In an industry full of setbacks, cheers to some good news: Mitragyna speciosa (kratom) is one step closer to human clinical trials. Researchers have graduated from rodent examinations to canine clinical research. Animal studies are vital to the scientific process. According to scientists at the University of Florida (UF), where the kratom-dog studies occurred, “Research […]

Kratom and Delta 8: What To Know

Kratom and Delta 8. It’s a combination that’s causing some stir in online kratom communities, and more and more users are trying it for themselves. But is it a match made in heaven or a pairing best left alone? Much like our guide to mixing kratom and marijuana, this article aims to go over what […]

Mixing Kratom and Marijuana
August 20, 2021

Mixing Kratom and Marijuana

As a result of the 2020 elections, recreational marijuana was legalized in five U.S. states: Arizona Mississippi Montana New Jersey South Dakota More and more states fight for pro-cannabis legislation every year. It is clear: the world’s historically anti-marijuana agenda is soon coming to an end, whether you like it or not. But what do […]

Coevolutionary Relationships: A Theory About Kratom & Humans

The coevolutionary process is defined as two or more species co-evolving in response to one another. It is more likely to occur in interacting species that share the same environment. And because we’ll be talking about kratom, specifically, we’ll be focusing primarily on plant species when discussing coevolution. A prominent example of coevolution in plants: […]

The Emergence of Kratom Edibles

Let’s take a moment to remember the early kratom market. You could easily find kratom powder or kratom capsules for sale, but was there any variety outside of these two products? No, not really. We’ve come a long way since those early days. Kratom, once an obscure wellness supplement turned household name, is now available […]

Kratom and Energy Drinks: A Potent Combination

Kratom and energy drinks. It’s a combination that’s getting more attention in the kratom community, but is it safe? Is it healthy? And what should you expect from this potent combination. While some users have been mixing kratom with its cousin, coffee, for years, the kratom + energy drink fad is far newer. So understandably, […]

Kratom Did Nothing for Me, Now What?

Mitragyna speciosa, better known as the herbal supplement “kratom”, has gained popularity in recent years. The plant itself is a member of the coffee family with relatively few side effects. As such, we get a lot of positive testimonials from kratom users: “I never thought the effects of kratom would change my life so much!” […]

Kratom Hangover: Symptoms and Treatment

It’s estimated that the average person spends two years of their life hungover. Even more time is spent uttering these words: “I’ll never drink again.” But what if the drinks we’re referring to have nothing to do with alcohol? Mitragyna speciosa, better known as kratom, offers value as a therapeutic substance. According to a 2017 […]

What Kratom Studies Are Underway?

In 2018, Kratom Spot questioned the lack of kratom studies. Kratom-related clinical trials could offer more insight into the potential therapeutic effects of this plant. That same year, the National Institutes of Health came to a similar conclusion: “There haven’t been any clinical trials (studies in people) to evaluate the health effects of kratom.” So […]

Kratom & Weight Loss
February 5, 2021

Kratom & Weight Loss

Is there a connection between kratom and weight loss? If so, does there exist a best kratom strain for weight loss? Regardless of what you might believe, the answers to these questions are not as simple as they might seem. For starters, there have been zero scientific studies evaluating the relationship between kratom and weight […]

How to Mix Kratom: Homemade Kratom Blends

You probably know that there exist three primary kratom strains: red vein, white vein, and green vein kratom. But did you know that these strains – along with products like kratom extracts – let you customize your experience? By mixing your favorite kratom strains together, you can create personalized kratom blends that fit your individual […]

Kava and Kratom: What You Need to Know

In the world of botanicals, kava and kratom often go hand in hand. And understandably so! These natural plant extracts are often used for similar purposes and in similar settings. But despite their similarities, when it comes to kava vs. kratom, there are a few things to keep in mind. In this article, we’ll run-down […]

Kratom for Relaxation: The Most Relaxing Kratom Strains Ranked

Mitragyna speciosa, better known as kratom, is a versatile plant. Depending on the strain and vein colors, it can deliver pain relief, a mood boost, or sedative effects. But one of the most popular uses is kratom for anxiety. But what is the most relaxing kratom? In today’s article, we’re going to be going over […]

How to Keep Your Kratom Tolerance Down

If you feel like your regular dose isn’t as effective as it used to be, you’re not alone. Developing a kratom tolerance is common among regular users. As with any botanical, repeat use causes reduced effects and a higher dose of kratom to achieve the same effects. But don’t worry! Kratom tolerance can be managed […]

Kratom and Alcohol: Is it Safe to Mix?

With so many users making kratom a part of their routine, some might inevitably consider combining their favorite kratom strains and alcohol. The question arises: is it safe, or are there dangers with mixing alcohol and kratom? Unfortunately, substantial clinical evidence on this important question is scarce, and it’s difficult to provide a complete answer. […]