Tips for Naturally Managing Anxiety From Home

Kratom Spot Tips for Managing Anxiety

Anxiety affects nearly 40 million Americans every year, and that number is at risk of growing. Why? Because nearly 65 percent of those suffering from an anxiety disorder do not seek treatment. It’s vital that we learn more about this mental health affliction and learn strategies for effectively managing anxiety within our lives.

Anxiety generally refers to a negative emotional state characterized by feelings of tension, worry, nervousness, or fear. And anxiety disorders – that is, mental health conditions that cause anxiety to varying degrees – are extensive. Anxiety disorders include, but are not limited to:

  • Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD)
  • Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
  • Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
  • Panic Disorder (PD)
  • Social Anxiety Disorder

Furthermore, anxiety can play a central role in other mental health conditions not specifically classified as anxiety disorders. Some of these disorders include:

  • Bipolar Disorder
  • Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)
  • Attention Deficit-Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD)
  • Sleep Disorders like Insomnia

Especially given our current world predicament surrounding the events of the COVID-19 pandemic, we must learn natural ways to manage anxiety. We already face the stressors of self-isolation practices, and learning to overcome our mental health afflictions is paramount to our continued health in this time of quarantine.

But anxiety can be difficult to overcome. When you do, however, the rewards to your physical and mental well-being may be invaluable. That’s why we’re going to be looking at natural ways to manage anxiety from home so that you can begin a better and brighter future.

Exercise & Physical Activity

Some of the most rewarding strategies for managing anxiety are exercise and other forms of physical activity. Exercise has been known to initiate the production of serotonin, one of the chemicals in our brains responsible for regulating mood, social behavior, appetite and digestion, and sexuality.

Scientists have also discovered the anxiolytic properties of serotonin, allowing us to effectively manage our feelings of anxiety without the need for prescription medications. Even in quarantine, it’s important that you get your heart rate up and your body moving, receiving any physical activity available to you. Even a brisk and socially-distanced walk through your neighborhood can be an effective tool for diminishing anxiety in this time of crisis.

Mindfulness Meditation

The art of meditation has existed for thousands of years.While not all methods of meditation may work for you, some forms have scientific backing in regards to naturally managing anxiety.

We are, of course, speaking of mindfulness meditation. This order of meditation revolves around the idea that one must clear one’s mind of thought, focusing simply on the world around them.

To practice mindfulness meditation while self-isolating, you must first prime the space around you. We understand that it may be difficult to curate the perfect meditative state at home, especially if you have roommates or live with family. But do your best to follow these easy steps for creating the perfect space:

  • Space: Make sure you find a calm, peaceful space within your home. This can be done by finding a quiet area, closed off from the rest of the world.
  • Smell: Aromatherapy is particularly effective at easing anxiety. Combined with mindfulness meditation, you may feel the stress of the world slip away. Light some candles, use some incense– whatever smells make you feel the most at home.
  • Sound: Don’t shy away from playing some quiet, relaxing music. Such practices have been shown to increase the results of mindfulness meditation for certain individuals. However, total silence may be preferred, so find what works best for you.

And to practice mindfulness meditation within this space, follow these simple steps for tuning out the world and focusing only on the here-and-now:

  • Set a Timer: Harsh iPhone sounds not encouraged, but a timer allows you to aim for the exact duration of meditation you desire. We recommend aiming for 20-30 minutes per meditative session.
  • Relax Your Body: A tense body creates a tense mind, and tension does not allow you to effectively manage your anxiety. Get yourself into a position in which you will feel comfortable for an extended period of time.
  • Deep Breaths: Inhale for eight seconds, exhale for eight seconds. Repeat over and over again as your mind begins to focus only on your breathing.
  • Try Not to Think: We know that it can be difficult to completely shut your mind off, but we encourage you to avoid thinking about the greater problems in the world and think only about your immediate setting. Don’t let your mind wander. This will likely take multiple sessions to master.

Natural Anxiolytic Supplements

Even in quarantine, you have access to a variety of natural supplements that may help you to better manage your anxiety, and they’re available all across the internet. Various supplements have been shown to relax the body and mind, easing anxiety and even improving sleep, which can further decrease anxiety.

Whether it be in the form of natural teas, daily vitamins and minerals, or other digestible supplements, many of these methods allow you to naturally manage anxiety effectively, staving off the dread of quarantine during this high-stress time.

Naturally Manage Your Anxiety Today

Anxiety affects over 18 percent of the U.S. population, and many who experience anxiety suffer the seemingly insurmountable weight of a serious anxiety disorder. It’s more important now than ever before to learn how to effectively manage your anxiety so that you can overcome the stress of the world around us, which has changed significantly in light of COVID-19.

At Kratom Spot, we strive to create a community that supports one another. If you have any questions about handling mental health disorders during this time of need, feel free to reach out to us to discuss strategies for naturally managing anxiety. We’re always happy to help and will continue to report on the changing landscape of mental health disorders.